DATE: Thursday, 2022 Aug 18
TIME: 6:00 PM – 8:00 PM
LOCATION: Holly History and Genealogy Center
TOPIC: Wisconsin Post Office Murals
In June 1939, Waupaca welcomed the opening of the first federally owned post office in the city. The post office was built through the Public Works Administration and, by 1940, a mural was added above the postmaster’s door. Waupaca’s post office mural, along with 34 others in the state, will be subject of the next monthly program at the Waupaca Historical Society. Author David W. Gates, Jr. will present, “Wisconsin’s Post Office Murals” on Thursday, August 18 at 6 p.m. at the Holly History and Genealogy Center. David W. Gates Jr., is a post office enthusiast and award-winning author who has traveled thousands of miles nationwide in search of historic post office buildings and art. He blogs about his work at www.postofficefans.com. His program will detail the little-known history of the 35 commissioned post office murals in Wisconsin, how they were developed, and the artists behind them. Gates, Jr. will have books available for purchase after the program.
Please join me in Waupaca for a closer look at Wisconsin post office murals.
Thank you,
David W. Gates Jr.